Paper (securely recycled), staples, electronics, cardboard are recycled for future reuse. (Paper, of course, is the main cause of deforestation on a grand scale throughout the continents. In fact, paper fills up 30-40% of US landfill space alone. A study shows an estimated of every 100 kg of waste that is thrown away, 35 kg will be a form of paper.)
HIPAA Certification
Off-line Digital File Storage
Secure Building with Control Entrance
Family Owned Business (Managed by its Owners)
These are some of our security mesures we take to protect all our client's information.
“Teach the present generation on how to wisely preserve our natural resources and understand that there is no life without them, life eventually will get better”
by Access Scanning
Contact us for a free consultation at E-mail or (818) 429-5069
All reusable material such as: binders, folders, plastic and cardboard boxes are donated to a non-profit organization.
Green Certification:, which certifies business that follow green practices,
this program helps, Access Scanning is certified by the Green Business Program of Los Angeles (encourage and teach business on how to be environmental responsible. By joining this program Access Scanning will be a step closer to a maintain our environment cleaner.